Columbia River |
The twenty-first week of
two-thousand-sixteen was much like the preceding weeks, five days of relative monotony followed by a weekend of
adventure. However, I did focus my week on hitting as many trails in Shoreline
as possible. A run at Boeing Creek Park was bookended by some hill repeats at
Innis Arden Reserve. I watched my pace crumble from a spry 6:30 mile to a 9 or
10 minute mile on the hilly trails, but I was happy to log some vertical feet.
Overall, I was pleased with my week and met the majority of my objectives.
Bullock's Oriole |
I punched my time card
shortly after three in the afternoon, strapped on my backpack and made the
quick jog home. No sooner did I walk in the door, I had my weekend gear in hand
and was behind the wheel of the Versa. The only thing standing between me and
Apryle and a weekend of adventure in the better half of the state was an hour
and half of rush hour traffic, followed by about two-hundred forty miles to
Moose near Nespelem |
I was ecstatic to be out
of the miserably congested city of Seattle and on my way to Apryle who was
waiting somewhere among the isolated landscape of the Columbia River Basin.
Upon arriving we went for an peaceful evening stroll discussing our weeks and a
plan for the weekend. Unfortunately, the week had caught up to me when I awoke
Friday morning and I was unable to make the early start for vegetation surveys,
but after a short delay I hit the road for a quick morning ten miler along the
Columbia River.
Rock Outcropping behind the Bunkhouse |
After a little over an
hour of gazing off at the impressive River Oregon and trying to identify
various bird species I encountered on the road, I did on a few chores around
the bunk house. A few hours later I was back out on the trail (or lack there
of) when I bushwhacked my way to some rock out croppings just beyond the house.
The vertical feet mounted quickly, but the thing that limited my running was
fear of snakes in the high grass and sage bush, not the steep slope. At any
rate the views of the expansive landscape were exactly what I anticipated and I
was able to catch a glimpse of the winding trail to the Whitmore Overlook,
which Apryle and I would be visible on shortly.
Western Kingbird |
The rest of the afternoon
consisted of core work and reading from Edward Abbey’s Desert Solitaire on a
sun-faded picnic table. As I excitedly awaited Apryle’s return from the field,
I thought about how fortunate I was to be spending my days in such an a starkly
beautiful place. Apryle appeared in the early evening quite weary from her long
day of fieldwork, but I still convinced her to accompany me to the Whitmore
Lookout. Since failing to reach the tower two weeks ago, it had been in the
back of my mind constantly. Because of Apryle’s fatigue, we made a compromise
to drive a little over half the way to the tower before running.
Whitmore Lookout Tower |
We parked not far from
where we turned back the first time and started up the trail, which I estimated
would be about two and three quarter miles to the summit. Our surroundings
shifted from sage brush and grass near the base to pine forest and upland
meadow at the apex. We ran across two wild horses that were reluctant to
relinquish there spot on the trail which increased our alertness for potential
dangers. After about eight hundred vertical feet we reached the lookout, and
began the final ascent up an exposed metal staircase.
Apryle en route from the Tower |
It was unsettling to feel
the tower swaying slightly in the wind, but the views from the top were well
worth it. The sun escaping the western horizon provided an intriguing lighting
with which to view our surroundings. Satisfied with the panoramas we sprinted
back down the hill to the car and arrived just as it became too dark to see.
Apryle setting up trail camera |
The next day I joined
Apryle in her vegetation measurement, and I was incredibly impressed with her
streamlined system. Not only was she quick setting up the quadrants but her
plant identification skills were second to none and the accuracy with which she
performed stem counts and measurements was outstanding.
View from the Tower |
time-constraints dictated that I make my way back toward civilization. But not
before one last run up and down the scenic driveway, a quick stop at Steamboat
Rock State Park and another circumnavigation of Sun Lakes Drive Falls State
Steamboat Rock |
After driving by Steamboat
Rock several times, I decided today was the day to make drop in and check it
out. In typical fashion, I had no idea what to expect and no idea if a trail
existed. Fortunately for me, the park far exceeded expectation and so did the
trails. Steamboat Rock is a six hundred acre basalt butte which protrudes eight
hundred vertical feet from the scabland below. The butte also provides a
picturesque backdrop for the twenty-seven mile Banks Lake which engulfs the
formerly dry coulee as a result of both the Dry Falls Dam and North Dam.
View from the Butte |
The trail was very sandy
for about the first half mile, which was followed by a steep scree-filled
scramble for a few hundred meters. This gave way to a grassy saddle just before
the final push to the flat summit.
Atop the Steamboat Rock |
I had a difficult time distinguishing the
actual trail from game trail, but I circled around the rock and made my way from
the southeast point of prominence to the northwest point prominence, enjoying
the views from both vantage points. I soaked in the scenery, but knew I had
another goal of retracing my steps at Sun Lakes Dry Falls for a seven mile full
circumnavigation, so I made a fast descent. I took one last moment to enjoy the
blooming lupine dotted between the sage brush and obnoxiously invasive cheat
grass, and was back on the road.
Scree Slope (Steamboat) |
I arrived in Sun Lakes Dry
Falls right after a light rain, just enough to wet the plants, and subsequently
just enough to soak my clothes while running by on the trail. Although it was a
mild nuisance, I did not let it detract from the interest the water droplets
provided to the willow leaves or the way it heightened the fragrance given off
by the sage brush. I continued down the
same path Apryle and I had a month earlier, except I was determined to locate
the trail around the rock outcropping in the center of the park. This led me to
a scramble up to a small saddle near the top of the narrow cliff.
Another one from Steamboat |
I assumed
this was the intended route for the circumnavigation, but I did not trust my
running shoes on the slippery rock to make the descent. But this just prompted
me to take a series of game trails around the prominence allowing me to meet back
up with the official trail. I considered the objective met and enjoyed the
final miles in the fascinating place that was once the largest falls in the
Caspian Tern at Sun Lakes Dry Falls |
In my route finding
efforts and focus on pace, I was letting my birding slip and I am certain that I
missed out on adding several species to my life list. But I suppose becoming a
skilled birder, like becoming a skilled runner, takes lots of trial and error
as well as repetition. However, at the end of the run I was elated to find a
relative of my power animal flying overhead. I spent several mosquito infested
minutes watching a pair of Caspian Terns fishing a little pond. The birds were
hovering (scouting for actinopterygii of some kind), then after letting out a
harsh scream diving down to the water to catch their prey. I ended the weekend
on a high-note despite the sadness of leaving Apryle for the city once again.
Wild Horse |
Also I have to wish my most avid blog readers happy 29th Anniversary!
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